Award Registration

In order to register and participate, all the winners must fill & submit the registration e- form & make the payment of the registration fee through electronic bank transfer. The registration & the Logo usage rights fee for one year has been fixed by the jury for Rs. 50,000/- (Fifty Thousand + 18.00% GST). The total amount is Rs. 59,000/- (Fifty Nine Thousand Only). Payment of registration fee is mandatory for all winners without exception.

The fee charged includes the cost of the market research & consumer survey conducted in order to select the brands and this contribution made by you empower us to carry on this process and give you the best brands every year.

For making the payment please refer to the following bank details:
The NEFT is to be made in favour of “BERKSHIRE MEDIA PVT. LTD.”, ICICI Bank A/c No.: 028105005183, IFSC Code: ICIC0000281, Bank Branch: Filmcity Road, Goregaon (E), Mumbai.

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